various small mammals

You’ve heard of a pocket watch, but what about a pocket pet? That’s right, a pocket pet is a small, furry little pet that can fit straight in your pocket! The pets that fall into this category are animals like rats, hamsters, hedgehogs, gerbils, and their slighter larger counterparts such as chinchillas, or guinea pigs. While these pets may not require daily walks or get excited about belly rubs, they’re still fun and unique animals. 

Before you decide to go out and purchase a pocket pet, it’s important that you know what type of living arrangement it needs, what it eats, if it needs exercise, and what type of veterinary care may be necessary. Each of the tiny pets listed above should be cared for just as traditional pets. To learn more about each of these pocket pets, read the articles below.

  • Macaws

    If you've decided to enter the entertaining world of bird ownership, you may be thinking about adopting a macaw. These giants of the parrot world make fun companions, but here are some things you should consider before making that purchase. What You Should Know About Macaw Ownership Macaws can make a

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  • Cockatoos

    If you're looking for a lively, affectionate, intelligent pet, you don't have to limit yourself to a dog or cat. Members of the Cacatuidae family, better known as cockatoos, can provide those qualities in abundance. However, before you bring a cockatoo home for the first time, you need to understand

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  • Parrots

    If you’re thinking of adding a feathered friend to your family, you might be surprised at what it takes to care of this type of pet. While parrots are highly intelligent and fun pets, there are a few aspects that make them more difficult to care for than a cat or dog. Here’s what you need to know

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  • How to Help Your New Cat Feel Welcomed in Your Home

    Adopting a cat or kitten? Here's what you can do to help your cat adjust to its new home.

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  • Most Common Digestive Issues in Dogs and How to Relieve Them

    Do you know which digestive issues are most common in dogs?

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